If you no longer wish to use Liberador, you can request the deletion of your account through our support website.
Important Note:
- Unified Account: Deleting your Liberador account will remove it from both the Liberador.net website and the Liberador App.
- Subscription Cancellation: If you have an active subscription, you must cancel it before requesting account deletion to avoid further charges.
- Data Deletion: When your Liberador account is deleted, all related data will be permanently removed from our servers. The only exceptions are data we are required to retain by law, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
Steps to Request Account Deletion:
- Cancel Your Subscription: Follow the instructions available in this article : How do I Cancel My Subscription.
- Request Account Deletion: Submit a support request indicating your desire to delete your Liberador account.
Please Note: Account deletion requests are typically processed within 7 business days. Ensure you have backed up any data you wish to retain before initiating the deletion request, as this process is irreversible.
For any questions or further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.
Thank you for using Liberador.